Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Can't Help Myself-I Must Post These

As I said before, I did not get many photographs of Lucy and Ava this past week. But, I did get a few.

Lucy just headed toward me whenever I tried to take her picture.

"You are getting a little close, Lucy."


"Too close."

Ava and I spent many an hour coloring with these dobbers. They are called Do-A-Dot.

I believe that now that the bingo world has gone electronic, the dobber industry had to change their
company dynamics. They went from marketing senior citizens to preschoolers.

This next photograph, I consider as difficult to get as the elusive snow leopard. I am sure National Geographic will be asking for rights to publish it.

Ava napping!

Joanie and Jacob have told Ava when she turns three she has to give up her "binkie". She only has it at nap and bedtime, but Ava is not sure it is worth a birthday to give it up. I will keep you posted if she turns three or just decides to stay two.


  1. They are so cute. I know you had a great time!

  2. You really took some great pictures on this post. Those kids must have some great genes from somewhere. ;) Hope I can get past the word verification!

  3. Love the photos and the videos in the previous post! Kaylee's getting pretty good at posing...well, not really posing, but grinning and yelling at the bright yellow case on my phone. If it's in reach, she tries to take it and see how it tastes, of course, but she also likes to play with her apps.
