Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boy, She is Popular

Ree held a Q&A
Last night, I went to Dallas because the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, was in town for a book signing. Yes, I have officially become one of those people that chases after people I don't even know, but that is the problem with blogs. You do know them. She communicates with me everyday. (I think my children are planning an intervention.)

I went early. Ree was scheduled to arrive at 6:00pm. I arrived at 5:00pm (which is early for a Brier), because I knew it would probably be well attended, and it was. I received a green bracelet. There were already a lot of people there. After visiting with some people in line to the bathroom, I figured out my bracelet color was way down the list, like in the five hundreds! Unbeknownst to me, they started handing bracelets out at 10:00am. (Just for the record, they handed out a 1000 bracelets.)

This is Jen and another friend mentioned in the credits of Ree's new book.
The whole Drummond family entered right on time. Ree spent about twenty minutes speaking and taking questions. She was pretty, funny, and not surprisingly, very smart and quick. Then she commenced signing books. I was seated (I had procured a stool) to her right and happened to meet two of her best friends. 
They were very nice, too, and said Ree was exactly like she is on her blog. They did mention that she has an extraordinary memory. That made me a little sad, because by this time I had decided to leave. I just knew if she met me she would remember me and invite me to the lodge one day.

I believe Ree is writing, "I wish it was Jan's turn" in this lady's book. 

On my way out, I realized other people were in line to have Marlboro Man and her children sign their books. I don't know if they were getting the whole families' autographs or just knew that they couldn't wait until 2:00am to get Ree's. I stealthily snapped a picture of MM, but left the children to their anonymity. The children were darling though. MM looked like he would give anything to be back at the ranch.

Knowing "green" was not going to be called until way after 10:00pm, I headed back to Mansfield. Although, my cookbook is not signed, it was fun to see Ree Drummond in person and find out she is the person you read about on the blog. 

But, Ree, I still want to come to the Lodge

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Soot I missed it :( But, I'll just meet her when we get the invite to the lodge!
