Monday, December 19, 2011

Little Notes

Here are a few notes about what is going on at the Brierpatch.

This month, Scarlett, too, had a birthday. She and her friends were so busy painting that it was very difficult to get a picture of them. I guess I could have laid on the floor, but still probably wouldn't have been successful making eye contact. Yikes, all these kiddos are growing so fast.
PS- The room in which Scarlett had her cake was the most vibrant painted room I have ever seen. (and I love bright colors)
Between the moving subjects and those walls my camera and eyes are still recovering.

The mailbox is up. It has a few cracks and a couple of chips. Now we are trying to decide whether to reconstruct it totally or patch it up. Since it is hard to see how deep the cracks go, it is hard to decide what to do. If you have viable information about mailbox repair, please let us know your opinion. Actually, we would like to hear your thoughts viable or not.

I just wanted to post a photo of Ava and Lucy wearing clothes. If you would like to see even better photos of them you can see them on Joanie's blog.

Thank goodness I have grand kids, because I would hate to only be able to write about a mailbox. However, that does seem to be the large part of my material lately.

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