Friday, January 13, 2012

I Know You Feel My Pain

For the past few months, I have been having trouble with my right hand and thumb. I haven't complained (except incessantly to Barry). I knew that my tens of readers would be so upset, if I let this annoyance hinder my ability to post about Barry and myself. However, the three days of golf in Palm Springs has forced me to rest my hand and make an appointment with the doctor. (Is this what one would call a first world problem?) This week there has been no yoga, no golf, and a lot of whining.

I have been walking the dogs, and this brings me to another ongoing pain. The coyotes.


Since the dogs cannot go out alone day, night, rain, shine, in the heat, or in the cold, it is a pain.

"It makes me sad when you call me coyote bait."

The coyotes have been spotted walking up driveways at 11:30am. I saw one on my walk the other day at noon. He was in a pasture by the sidewalk, so I am giving him a pass. However, he doesn't need to be hanging around at noon. He should be off napping, so he can hunt rodents between midnight and five in the morning. Then he wouldn't interfere in my life. It's all about me, Mr. Coyote.

I guess I had not walked around the front of my car in a long time. Sometime over the holidays, I noticed that my registration sticker was expired.

You would think a convicted, non-moving violation husband would be more alert to the due dates of the registration stickers of his cars. Besides that fact, the irony of all these registration sticker problems is that I was raised by a father who would never have let this happen. I am pretty sure my dad had his new sticker on his car the first day of the month in which it was due. Thus, I carry a little guilt about the fact that Barry and I are involved in this tardiness. Even so, I don't feel the responsibility of noticing that the sticker expired. Removing that sticker and putting a new one on is man's work, I say!

The hand and registration sticker issues should be resolved soon. The coyote situation could go on for awhile. I may have to hire a Great Pyrenees.



  1. I am sorry about your hand...what does the dr. say? You have more trouble with the coyotes than we do way out here in the 'country'...I hear them at night, but they have not ventured up in the daytime out here yet. Poor little doggies are being denied their due day in the sunshine.

    Hope you are better soon...Oh and hope Barry gets that sticker taken care of ASAP!

  2. That is such a cute picture of Magic. I really do think you should get a great Pyrenees. And, I'm really sorry about your hand. I hope the doctor can find something to help!
