Monday, March 7, 2011

“Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang Happy Birthday.”

A little over a week ago was my birthday. Joanie, Ava, and Lucy came in to help us celebrate. Joanie, also wanted to say goodbye to the house she grew up in and see our new house. Ava wanted to see her cousins, and Lucy was just happy to be where they were.  (My neighbor could not believe that Joanie drove from Houston with the two girls and her dog, all by herself. Jacob had a previous commitment. I know you were there in heart, Jacob!)

Ava has suddenly decided not to be as cooperative for photos. Has she been conspiring with Scarlett?

We all went over to Brett and Shannon's house. They had a babysitter arranged, so the adults and Lucy could go out for dinner.

Ben was busy playing on the trampoline.

Of course, all Scarlett wanted to do was hold Lucy. Ava was okay with this, because she had found Scarlett's glittery gold shoes and was wearing them around the house. That girl loves sparkly shoes.

Then, Ava and Scarlett decided that they needed to help Joanie feed Lucy.  How many girls does it take to feed a baby?

Thanks to all my kids, their spouses, husband, and my grandchildren for a wonderful birthday.
(even though most of you did not make it into photos, but don't feel bad neither did I.)


  1. I missed your birthday! Belated happiness! BTW...I am SO stealing the title of this post the next time my birthday rolls around, in about 10 years or so. :)

  2. Those kiddos are cute. It was great to see you. Now I need to come back and see your new house all moved in. :)

    Happy birthday!
