Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hidden Treasures

One thing about moving, it makes you clean out your attic. Many, many years ago, I had some personal items that I packed away and told Barry NOT to throw away. Since I had not seen most of them in a long time, I, of course, assumed those items had been thrown away to make room for other things.

Imagine my surprise when Barry walked in with a box last night that I had not seen in approximately twenty-nine years. It was my Madame Alexander doll. When I was five, I was quite ill and had to spend several months at home. This doll was a gift, and I loved it. I even gave her a haircut. My mom was very upset with me. Honestly, I thought it would grow back. Looking at it now, I  realize I could have had a future as Annette Bening's hairdresser.

Under the doll clothes, in the box, was this beanie from Ousley Junior High. I am not sure if this is my beanie though. Classmates, did we wear beanies? Maybe it belongs to my brother, Chris, or maybe someone gave it to me. I don't have the energy to climb back up a ladder to get my junior high annuals down and search. So, if anyone knows the answer to the beanie mystery, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious, Mom, and makes me really wish I had thought twice yesterday before packing up all of my own dolls to store forever.

    Joanie says, "Thanks for the nightmares!"
