Monday, October 15, 2012

Our State Fair is a Great State Fair

Jacob had plans this past weekend, so Joanie and the girls decided to come to our house. Joanie wanted to take them to the Texas State Fair. This was always an annual outing for us and our kids.

So, Friday morning, we followed the OU and Texas buses into the Cotton Bowl. Actually, we had to stop in the parking lot.

Our first stop was the Gone to the Dogs Show. After all these years, you would think that the producers of that show would know that we cannot understand a word the guy is saying about the dogs. Let's do something about that sound system Fair officials!


Next the girls needed to tend to the farm chores.

There was milking to be done.



and taking the crops to market.

As a reward for their hard work, we let them go to the Petting Zoo.

Nothing says cute little animals to pet like a buffalo, right Ava?

Lucy had no problem feeding her cow.

Bye, little goat. We're off to the rides.

First Jumping Jumbo- not to be confused with Dumbo or the jumping dogs. 

Next the motorcycles. Ava's smile tells me this was more fun than Jumping Jumbo.

 Look at this smile! And he didn't even get to ride the motorcycles.

Our visit would not be complete without visiting the World of Birds Show.
Fishing Eagle

 Ava found this young man, but she just knew something was wrong with that shirt he was wearing.

"Shouldn't those horns be upside down?"

Then it was off to the Auto Show. Sitting in the cars was the most fun at all. 

Well, gymnastics with mom was pretty fun too.

The day with a four year old and a twenty month old went by very fast, and it was all about them. So on the way back to the car there was just enough time for a ride on the Texas Star.

Then a little nap on the way to the car. 

And guess who came by for a visit after we got home?

This is a grand kid picture overload, I know. There may be a few more in the next day or so. Family get-togethers call for a lot of photos. 


  1. We had a great time. Next year we have to get a funnel cake!

  2. You got some wonderful pictures! I am so happy they came to visit. That picture of Ava feeding the buffalo is hilarious.

  3. What a great post of a great day!

  4. Seriously, how could you go to the fair without getting a funnel cake? Tell me you at least had fried something! I love, love, love that picture of Ava with the buffalo, but of course they're all marvelously cute pictures!
