Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A List That Didn't Even Reach Ten

1. The baby bluebirds are growing. I may not have even mentioned that we had baby bluebirds. Mom and Dad Bluebird have been busy feeding them. They were gracious enough to let us take a photo or two. We thanked them by leaving out some meal worms.

2. Ben is playing soccer. Isn't he cute?

3. We are all awaiting the birth of Michelle and Mile's baby. She should be here next week. Michelle is anxiously awaiting the baby and the ability to get up and move around. I fear that after a couple of weeks, she may wish she could lay down again.

4. While Michelle and Miles are waiting their baby, Miles' brother and his wife, Sarina, had their baby boy, Campbell. Congratulations! Here he is with his paternal grandmother, Bennie Rue.

4. The azaleas are so pretty this year. Now I just have to get up the nerve to cut these plants back after they finish blooming. Ever since I cut my Madame Alexander doll's hair (when I was five), I fear that when I cut something it might not grow back. Maybe that is why getting a haircut has always been traumatic for me.

5. I went on a ladies golf trip. My auto focus button was not on auto focus. I did not figure that out until I got home. Oops. I, too, have not been very focused of late.

 Golf is such a relaxing game that the course provided a noose on a tree in the rough. Some people had to go into the rough to search for balls. Becky decided it might be easier to hang herself than hit out of that rough. Dee was worried about the snakes. I tried to tell them to just stay out of the rough, but no one listens to me, not even my ball.

6. Brett took Ben and Scarlett with him on a business trip to Houston. Ava and Lucy loved having them there. Lots of cousin fun ensued, I heard.

7. In the time I started writing this list and now, the baby bluebirds have flown. They actually did it while we were at a Ranger game. Just left, quickly and quietly. Birds are flighty friends.

8. The trappers have trapped several coyotes in our area. It makes me sad that the coyotes did not take my advice and move to Joe Poole Lake or better yet, that people didn't leave dog and cat food on their back porch to tempt them. We have to work together people!

9. I fear that the tornado has kept our guest blogger, JoeOnTheTube, from sending in some posts. He is an insurance agent. I know he is taking good care of his clients right now. What will he write about next? Mad Men, Game of Thrones, why Glee has gone downhill (writers, I suspect), or anything else you might suggest. So send in those suggestions.


  1. 10. I bought a wonderful new bracelet from my friend Janet.

    You're welcome.

    Can't wait to hear the news about the new grandchild next week. Best wishes to Michelle and Miles and congratulations on their new nephew!

    And seriously, a noose? That must be some rough rough.

    And even more seriously, Scarlett looks more like you by the month.
