Thursday, February 23, 2012

Drumroll, please!

We have an official guest blogger. Let's call it a merger, if you will. It is one of my favorite people writing about one of my favorite pastimes. I know you will enjoy his insights and takes on the many facets of television entertainment.

Meet Joe!

 JoeOnTheTube/Inside the BrierPatch

There are no two ways about it, I love TV.  I watch more than I should.  I talk about the shows I love and the shows I don’t.  It is rare that my DVR isn’t filled to near capacity.  I have at least one show that I watch every night of the week.  Some of them are must watch shows meaning that I have to watch them that night and then there are others that might sit on there for a few days. 

I love TV so much that I used to write about it on a daily basis on my site JoeOnTheTube.  That was before my son came along, and I started my own business.  Those two things just didn’t lend themselves to watching 4 hours of TV a night and then writing about all I watched So in January of 2010, I shut it down.  That didn’t change my love of TV or the critical way I watch it. 

I think we are in a golden age for TV.  There has never been such a wide selection of quality programing on.  Of course we used to only be able to count on the networks for great shows.  This all changed in the 90’s when HBO became a major player and raised the bar for the rest of TV Land.  Now we have almost every major movie channel producing great TV and many of the basic cable channels doing the same (that’s not to mention Netflix and Hulu throwing their hat in the ring with original programing).  

Jan and I talked about me writing a weekly post on Inside the Brierpatch about what’s going on in TV, what I’m watching, what you should be watching and why there is no reason to  get off your couch and drop $40 to go see a movie anymore.

This is just a short post to say hello and let the readers of Inside the Brierpatch know what to expect.  Leave a comment and let me know what you are watching, what shows you would like to talk about.  Ok, gotta go.  Parks and Recreation comes on soon.


  1. Monday - How I Met Your Mother
    Tuesday - Southland
    Wednesday - Modern Family
    Thursday - Parks and Recreation
    Friday - What Would You Do?
    Saturday - SNL
    Sunday - Amazing Race
    Favorite New Show - Homeland

  2. I'm excited to see the guest posts!

    I like Miles' line up, minus Southland. I DO NOT like that show.
