Friday, November 25, 2011

Belated Thanksgiving Wishes

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that your day was just what you wanted it to be.
As our family dynamics have changed over the years, we now alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas with our children's in-laws. We are very fortunate, as we get to see our children and grandchildren often, so this is really easy for us.

This year was the in-laws year for Thanksgiving. Joanie, Jacob, and his parents went to San Antonio to spend the day with his grandparents. Miles and Michelle traveled to Arlington to spend the day with the Schneiders. Shannon and Brett decided they wanted to have Thanksgiving at their new house, and included us with the McNeely/Abshier family.

So.... guess what? I have a few photos.

Joanie sent this photo via text. Ava and Lucy's turkey shirts were made by her friend, Jordan.
Jordan's applique designs can be found at Labels of Love
Here are four generations of beautiful Abshiers.

There was football,

a Connect Four tournament,

and some basketball. 

There was also frisbee and baseball. Why so many games? The balls kept going over the fence into the neighbors' yards, so games had to be changed.  Brett rounded up all the stray balls and frisbee at the end of the day.

Yea, Brett!

I am so thankful for my family and friends. I hope the rest of your weekend is fabulous!