Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Belated Tuesday

Yesterday morning, Jerry and Barry went kayaking.

Then Kathy, Jerry, and the Aycocks from Houston went to the Black Canyon. Barry and I hiked around the state park. Actually, we did not go around the park we went about two miles. That might not seem like a lot but at this grade and altitude it was enough for us. Plus we were going the opposite direction from where we intended to go.

I don't think I have mentioned the weather, either. I know you are seeing those snow covered mountains but, it is warm here for Colorado. Not like Texas, but we haven't needed any warm clothes yet.

Barry kept the dogs hydrated by teaching them to drink from a bottle. That's Ollie, the Bergers dog. He's a cutie.

Barry makes me walk twenty paces behind him all the time. Where did he get that idea?

Everyone had a fun day. Then Barry and Jerry decided to empty the gray water in the Cozy Cottage. Jerry had bought this portable grey water tank, and they were really happy with how wellit worked.

After filling this tank, they hooked it to Jerry's truck and pulled it to the gray water disposal. Barry told passerby's they were B and B RV Repair and Gray Water Removal. They were really enjoying themselves until they got back in the truck and it wouldn't start. A policeman stopped by and a fellow RVer who was a mechanic to help them try to start the truck. They ended up having to remove the batteries and drive to Montrose to buy new ones. Around 10:00pm they were changing the batteries.

Now they will have to add truck repair to their business name.


  1. Well it wouldn't be an RV trip without a little repair work!

  2. Oh no, sounds like a mess! Glad it's all working now.
