Friday, January 7, 2011

First Week of 2011

We are only six days in to 2011, but it feels like January is already slipping away. Right now Barry and I are in separate cities. He is at home with a clean dog (while I am usually there with a dog that has gotten all wet that morning and is covered in grass and leaves.) I guess since I was not there for Barry to say "Bingo needs to be brushed before he comes in", he took him to the clinic and had him groomed. if you would like to see how nice Bingo looks you can see him on Facebook.

I am in Houston helping Joanie and Jacob with Ava and Lucy. Since Joanie cant lift right now, Ava and I have been hanging out and having a good time. We have been to the playground, cleaned house ( Ava loves to dust), had general playtime, did hair and makeup, colored, grocery shopped, went to the library, and cooked to name a few activities. Lucy has slept and eaten. Joanie has slept and eaten very little. New moms are amazing.


  1. It should be against the law to post pictures of moms with new babies during the first 3 weeks. I will forgive you for two reasons:
    1. My girls are so cute
    2. You are very helpful and I want you to come back!

    Also, sorry about the stinky dog. That is a battle that I cannot win. I need a Creature Comfort in Houston. :)

  2. Congratulations, Joanie and Jacob on your newest little one. You have two beautiful girls! Hope you are doing well. I know you will miss your mom when she leaves, but speaking as a grandma myself, I KNOW she will be back soon!
    Joan Wood aka Amaxthree

  3. And Jama...I love reading your briarpatch blog! Looking forward to seeing you more in '11.

  4. All three are beautiful! I can't wait to see the girls again.
