Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Houses and Hereditary

Some of you may have heard that we were planning on buying this house, a whole .7 of a mile away from our present home. Then, you may have heard
that it all fell through. Well, last night the contracts were signed, and we will be moving.

I remember when my parents were around our age and decided to move. Craziness! I thought. Then Chris and Robin decided to build a new house. More craziness, but Barry and I have jumped on the bandwagon. Could it be genetic?


  1. I thought it all fell through and he decided not to sell?

  2. Congratulations! That is AWESOME! I am happy to lend myself and the bed of my truck for moving.

  3. I think Grandmother & Granddaddy were way older than you and Dad when they moved. At least they seemed older. Jacob & I are a little worried about all the packing. He didn't even know about the cedar closet in the study. I think he might be really busy at work when the packing takes place. Good thing Miles is helpful!

  4. That's great news! I am so happy for you guys. I am out of town when the packing is going on (no matter when that is), but you may have all of our awesome boxes and packaging materials. When are y'all closing?

  5. Miles, be careful what you volunteer for.

  6. Jacob, I am so sorry that you will be busy at work and with a new baby.
    I don't blame you, Michelle. I think Joanie will probably need me in Houston during moving time also.
