Saturday, September 11, 2010

Catching Up

Yellowstone geysers

We were on the go our day and a half in Denver and although I finally had internet service, I didn't get to post. Here are a few more pictures from our trip.

Seeing these geyers flowing into the rivers in Yellowstone makes Barry feel like the world is coming to an end.

Jackson Lake & the Grand Tetons
We drove through Teton National park and
observed the beauty of the park. We were hoping to see a moose, but no luck.

Jackson Hole Square
                                                                           We had our photo made at the square in Jackson Hole. Do you think anyone goes there and doesn't have their photo taken with the antlers?

Of course, we slipped into the Cadillac Bar and took the obligatory photo there.

Cadillac Bar

Our next stop was Denver. We had a nice visit with Bobby. He did say his property value went down 30% after we arrived.   He was probably right. 

We are now in Amarillo, Texas getting ready to head home. I would have been on the road about an hour or two ago, but as most of you know, Barry does not hurry. He actually could spend even longer on a trip, but I am ready to be home. The RV is beginning to feel like an assisted living space for me-something the family tells you is just perfect for you, but you just want to get out. 

I have loved seeing the beauty of our country. But after visiting nine states and traveling over 2500 miles, I am ready to be home.

Didn't someone from Kansas say, "There's no place like home."

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it home! I know it was a great trip, but also I know that it is great to be back home in your own bed!

    So when is the next adventure in the travels with Barry saga?
