It has been recommended that I rename Tech Tuesday to Old Fart Tech Tuesday. But, I refuse, you whippersnappers!
Since we love taking and sending photographs with our iPhones, today we will focus on editing those
photographs. There are many apps out there that are fun and make our photographs possibly more interesting, but you don't need them for general editing. Plus, don't let editing erase the story you have captured.
That being said, at the end of this post, I will share one of my favorite apps right now.
First of all, here are the important parts of your iPhones photo application.
This photo was taken directly from the user manual on the phone itself. (just to remind you of all the good information there) Also, these techniques work on you iPad also.
When you tap edit in the right hand corner you will see this interface at the bottom of your screen.
1. Rotate- If your photograph is in the wrong orientation, fix it by tapping the edit button.
photo by avalu |
Use the arrow to turn your photo the correct direction.
3. Use the wand (auto enhance button) to
enhance your photograph. This photograph didn't need much enhancement, but you might be able to see it lightened it slightly.
3. Red-eye-No red-eye in this photo, but if your subject has red-eye (which usually you can keep from happening by turning the flash off), tap the red icon at the bottom and then tap each eye that needs fixing. If the result is poor, tap the same place again.
4. Crop- To crop a photo tap the crop tool. Grid lines that you can move with your fingers will appear. Use them to place the most interesting part of a shot in the intersection of the lines for a stronger composition.
If you want to crop your shot to a standard print size, choose the constrain option. A pop-up box will
appear. Choose the size you desire.
When cropping people, there are guidelines. The green lines show good crop lines, while the red show crop lines that might make the photograph look akward.
Cropping may not be the best option. For instance, I wouldn't crop this photograph because there is a lot of "story" in it for me. The Easter baskets would be lost, and the fact that this was Lucy's first Easter at really hunting eggs would be lost. Also, because I know that Ava gets dressed the moment she pops out of bed early every morning, makes me smile that she is already dressed in this photograph. How long before her mother is dragging her out of bed to get dressed every day and this stage will just be a memory?
During your edits, if you don't like what you just did, shake your phone and the photograph will reset. How cool is that? But, if you love what you have done-press the SAVE BUTTON or all will be lost.
Now for my new favorite app-
This is the app that I used on Brett's video of Scarlett pulling her tooth. It takes your videos and makes them into little movies with songs and effects that you can share. It does cost extra if you want to save the movie to your camera roll or use your own music, but I just load them to youtube. Plus, I am sure I will tire of it soon, so I don't want to invest too much in it.
Here's one of Cora-