Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Today, of course, is a day of  remembrance to all our fallen military men and women. It is also a day to thank all of our military personnel who protect and defend our rights. I always find it amazing how much other countries criticize us. And though I have not interviewed them all (or many), I can't help but believe they wouldn't wish to raise their children, live, play, and work in a country like the United States.

In case you would like to know more about Memorial Day, here is an interesting article, by Ross Muscato,  that gives a brief history and encourages us to do more for our men and women in the military.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day and enjoy the rights which have been protected for us.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Graduation Day, Missed Photo OPPs, and A Bit of Advice

Thursday, my grandson, Ben, graduated from kindergarten. He had a great teacher and a wonderful first year of school.

I made a grandmother faux paux. The battery in my camera died. So I only got two pictures and one of those was not good.

Ben was chosen along with these six children to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

When Brett found out my battery was dead, he looked at me and said, "That's such a Dad move."
Shannon said, "Why do you think we asked you to come? You have the good camera".
Cue music from the Lion King- And can you feel the love tonight?

We have been victims of dead batteries before. However, Barry does have some classic photography and filming stories. One of his classic moves was to finish recording with the camcorder, put the lens cap on, set it down, and leave it recording. We have lots of footage with that effect. 

But, my favorite story (while I am sure I didn't laugh about it at the time) was during one of Joanie's elementary school programs. You know the ones where your child is squeezed on the risers with the 197 other children that never have a speaking or main part? ( No, I'm not bitter, that I went to umpteen elementary programs over the course of twelve consecutive years to watch some other person's child perform. Why do you ask?)

I was watching Joanie sing in the chorus. When I looked over at Barry, he was recording the opposite side of the risers. Not to talk over the singing and be on the recording, I waited until the end, then asked, "Who were you recording?" 
He looked at me and answered, "Joanie." 
I pointed to the complete other side of the risers and said, "Joanie is over there."

Yes, Barry had recorded the wrong child.  But, in his defense, unless your child has a solo and you obviously can't get a good view of them on the risers, I don't know if recording the event for posterity is warranted. Just sit in your little cafeteria chair and enjoy the show!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Cowgirls Play Golf

Tuesday and Wednesday was the annual Nutty Buddy (member/member) Golf Tournament at Walnut Creek Country Club. This is always a fun tournament, but this year was really good. A western theme, good weather, and good food helped.  Playing some satisfactory golf made it more fun. I actually only played decent on Tuesday. But, my partner, Linda H-J, kept us in second place all day, Wednesday. The secret to a good tournament is to have a good partner. You may quote me.

We had some famous cowboys and cowgirls show up. 

A special shout out or should I say "YaHoo" to Barry. He helped me by going to Costco not once, but twice to pick up photographs for Wednesday's luncheon. You might ask why he had to go back, but I am not answering that. It falls under the category of senile-ism. (and I am referring to myself with that made up word) However, it was fortunate for Costco, because Barry helped the employees round up runaway carts before the main storm hit. 

Then, he was the only man at the Tuesday night party to ride the bull.

Not bad for a city slicker, is it? 
Oh yeah, Linda and I came in second in our flight. YaHoo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Keep Bailing!

Saturday afternoon,  Ben and Scarlett went swimming. The pool was a little cool and my hamstring was hurting, so I asked Barry to heat up the hot tub.

Ben and Scarlett were enjoying swimming around.

Scarlett worked on upper body strength.
Ben practiced his backstroke.

Scarlett drank her lemonade like a puppy dog.

Then, disaster struck. The water started going OUT of the hot tub. 

Scarlett leaped into action and began bailing water into the hot tub. 

 "Help me, Ben!"

Scarlett and Poppy got the hot tub filled up again. I got the photos and Ben....
well, Ben, observed.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oz at Casa

We can't seem to get by the souvenir table without some special mementos.

Saturday afternoon, Ben, Scarlett and I attended the Wizard of Oz at Casa Manana. It was the last show of the season and an excellent one. The kids were adequately scared and very entertained.

It doesn't seem that long ago that I took Brett, Joanie, and Michelle to see the Wizard of Oz at the Casa Playhouse. (Robin and I took the kids for years.) Joanie loved the show so much her Aunt Sherry had a stuffed animal, Toto, specially made for her. I believe Toto is still with her, but stored away.

Joanie has something better to cuddle now. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Farmer's Market

I Liked  Historical Mansfield on Facebook which is a kind of love/hate relationship for me. I like it, because they keep me abreast of the going-ons in Mansfield. But, they post a LOT.

Nonetheless, they did have a post reminding people that the Farmer's Market opened for the season in Mansfield on Saturday. One of the vendors is a young couple in Rendon that are selling the items they grow. With a friend they sold squash, fresh garlic, onions, eggs, and some herbs.

They have a blog called Not only did I buy some of their items, I am now filling a little bin they gave me with compost items. I feel so earthy and green. Saturday, I will return the bin to them, so they can use it to grow me more vegetables.

I encourage you to go by the Mansfield Farmer's Market on Saturdays, but leave some fruit and vegetables for us!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

For You From SW via Me

It is another quiet day around the BrierPatch. Just working around the house. So, for your pleasure I am linking you to a free download from Susan Werner. For those of you who don't know her, Susan is a fabulous singer and songwriter.

She is offering this free download of her song Manhattan.


Photo from Susan Werner Website

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Not a Stick

Due to many factors, the main one being procrastination, the planting of the Plumeria was a little late this year. Here it is on day one. As I was out this morning watering it, a friendly golfer asked me why I was watering a stick. Every year there is much discussion on whether the Plumeria is really dead. (Pretty much, everyone but me thinks it is dead)

Jacob's parents gave me the plant a few years ago. It is always so satisfying when the leaves appear, because it does look like a stick. The plant was growing all cattywampus, so I broke off a few pieces and planted them in other areas. There are all kinds of directions on how to root the pieces. I even saw the highly recommended Root Boost at Ace Hardware There are recommended soils, but I went with the "just stick them in the ground" method.

 Is cattywampus a real word? If so, how do you spell it?
Here's hoping the Plumeria survives another.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I told Barry he is not giving me much material lately.

So I am just going to share a "how to" video from Hairdresser On Fire.

Big Mama recommended this blog the other day, and I have been perusing it ever since.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day -The Sequel

Many of you have asked, what did Lucy give you for Mother's Day? Actually, no on has asked, but she did have a gift for her mother and grandmothers. She is such a thoughtful four month old.

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How is she going to top that on Father's Day?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day began with this video

The Houston family will be up to see us soon. 

The local family all came over for a swim. Actually Mike and Sharon were in the metroplex. Sharon came to visit her mom, and Mike came to visit his little brother. We enjoyed having them. Come back soon!

Mike and Sharon were happy to be here ( I am sure), I just caught them while they were listening to a story. Note to self: compose photos better.

Barry began his day cleaning the pool and heating it up to a perfect 85 degrees.
 Then he cooked. How did I get so lucky?

Ben and Scarlett jumped right in when they got here.

Barry and Mike joined them. Who is that masked man?

Me, Barry, Mike, Miles, Michelle, Shannon, Ben, Brett, Scarlett
Thanks for a great Mother's Day, family.
I love you all.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jacob Had a Birthday, Too

Monday was our son-in-law, Jacob's birthday. Jacob is an attorney in Houston, and I know he thinks he has married into a looneytoon family.

Once when all the family was in Mexico, Barry and Jacob decided to "escape" the rest of the family and go sightseeing. My words, not theirs.

They chose X-Caret. That should tell you something about our family vacations. They spent the day with thousands of strangers rather than their eight other family members.

However, the fickle finger of fate has a funny way of turning the tables. At lunch, Barry nor Jacob wanted an alcoholic drink, so the waiter suggested a fruit drink. That sounded good, and they ordered it. They each received this drink,

and if I remember correctly there was a musical serenade included. Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Week That Was

Wow! The past seven days or so have been full of world wide events. They have made my little blog seem insignificant in comparison. Not to be indifferent to any of these events, I feel that there are people more capable and more knowledgeable to comment on them than me. Plus, that is not the purpose of this blog. Now that I think about it, is my blog supposed to have a purpose? Please don't make me come up with a mission statement.

The past several days, Barry and I have been working on getting our new house more organized.
Two of the projects were our offices. Barry has an office, and I have an office. Our own individual spaces. Our junk mail never has to intermingle again. Life is good.

The problem for Barry was that he was required to help with several parts of my office while I felt he should organize his office on his own. Like I said, life is good. Barry did get his office in shape, and it is looking good.
Barry's Office

I had a prototype for my office. You may remember seeing it here. For my office, Barry had to put up six pegboards, a ribbon holder, and my television. The pegboards and ribbon holder are up. The television is waiting patiently. Notice, I did not use the word patient when talking about myself. But, doesn't this look great?
Jan's office

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is Barry's birthday. Here is a little photo montage of my super guy.

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